May 22, 2015

#1 Transfer DOWN! (yep I am pretty cool) Staying in CENTRAL POINT!

Hello Family,
Well Well Well. Sounds like you all had a great week. I LOVE hearing from all of you so please don't hesitate to send me LETTERS. I am not sure if that was clear enough? hahah :) No no you all live such busy lives. But still I like them letters. Okay enough of that.
​How was my week you ask?
Well we went through the "worst week" so you can about guess it this week was "miracle week". We were blessed so many times this week. It was so wonderful. ​I did not get transferred I am still in Central Point. I thought maybe but nay I am here for another 6 weeks with my lovely trainer Sister Lawrence.
The Details
Last Monday we sat down with a member and one of her close friends. she is looking for the truth and man she is prepared so we are getting ready to teach her  and it is super duper exciting.
We are teaching an 18 year old girl she is a struggle. Hah! We are trying to get her to pray and to recognize her answers. Well on Saturday we went in swinging. we didn't have a lesson planned we just went there to talk to her. And the spirit was there! I asked BOLD questions and she answered them. It was so awesome! :) I was on a spiritual high!!!! :) AHHHHHHH!!! so fun. We are working on getting her baptized but she is moving soon so idk we will see... But it was awesome and so great!
Same night. We went to the Ferg's these are our eternigators (22 years of investigator ) We read from the Book of Mormon about faith it was awesome. The spirit was there. The Husband would get baptized yesterday but has been willy nilly cause he doesn't want to join without his wife. The wife loves us it has been a long process but she is warming up to us. So on Saturday night he told us that they were talking and she asked him if he was going to be baptized and he said yes! Let me tell you we like WHATTT!?? We held it in until we got in the car and we scram for hours!! We are going back tonight and teaching him and hopefully setting a date for him in this TRANSFER! #MIRICLE
#confusingdetails about my people. :)
Your Challenge
So I get to challenge you all cause I am out here being challenged! Hahah! :)
I am going to challenge each of you to study from Preach my Gospel. BOOMB
Why you might ask because that is what I study everyday from and it is awesome. So you get to see what I study from. But also it will help you become a better missionary and draw closer to the Savior. It is one of our stake goals here in Central Point. So I encourage all of you to dig out a copy or download it on LDS app and start studying it's wonderfulness. This challenge is for 1 year so make it count. :) hhahah! It is awesome and I love it! Study as a family or individuals. I will be checking in on you! Oh boy I am a missionary! Just in case you forgot! HAHAH!!
-Last Monday The sisters from Jacksonville and us went downtown Jacksonville shopping. It is a really cute down down. Dad you would LOVE IT!
-Jacksonville Sisters are Hilarious so we try and spend as much time with them as possible.
-This weekend we did exchanges. I went to Jacksonville and it was me and sister Allen...the newbies who did it all on our own. We did awesome and it was fantastic. the people in Jacksonville are funny and they shout at us crazy things. Bhahahah! "You girls know where you are at!" "Hahah!! Yes we do. Would you like to know more about the LDS church" ( It is super funny! ) Also don't be worried about our safety cause we have the Lord on our side and we use our brains and we are smart. Hahah! :)
- Our FLEAS are gone.
-OR smells funny... opening the window for fresh air is not a thing! HAHAH!!
We have a lot of fun and work hard. Laughing is important! :)

Wellp this is the end of my email for this week. I cannot express how much I love  you in words...only in song and I can't sing in this email. HAH! I really don't know where I would be without you all. I say it ALL #reallife I am who I am because you are all who you are. So thank you! Don't forget about me. Sometimes I worry about that :) #feelleftout so lets do this mission thing together choose to change for the better by one small thing each day. I am constantly praying and that is the best thing I can suggest to you all.
MAN I am a missionary.

Okay so I love you and miss you and want you to grow closer to Christ. Keep up the good Work and don't forget who you!

Keep the FAITH! ​
Love always, 

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