November 9, 2013

I did this dance once

One time I put the swirling twirling words inside my head on paper and then I danced them.

November 6, 2013

I got an iPhone...

Here are my thoughts from the first day we spent together 

Arg, I am so LAME. I got a smart phone. I held out for so long!

It is Pink and Sparkly :) it's main attraction. 

I can't believe this is so smart!

Oh great, I don't know how to run this thing. Have I been living under a rock? 

My parents are teaching me how to run an iPhone. . . 

What's that singing noise? Oh a text message!


Wow. Why is it shaking? 

What apps should I get?

Do people have this many apps?

I can watch T.V. on this thing!!!!!!! 

I suddenly became self conscious of the how wide my thumbs are, I mean they are running all over the place. 

I am going to be so organized.

 I am going to watch SO much T.V.    :) 

This is what social media looks like to most people? Weird.

Sometimes my fingers don't work. 

This is my life now. I own an iPhone.