June 27, 2012

"If only, if only"

“If only, if only," the woodpecker sighs,/ "The bark on the tree was as soft as the skies."/ While the wolf waits below, hungry and lonely,/ Crying to the moo-oo-oon,/ If only, If only.” -Louis Sachar, Holes

If only, if only I ... how many times do we say this to ourselves? 

If you don't believe me just look at my list :) 

If only, if only I
  1. Had a smart phone.
  2. Had a Macbook
  3. Had $500 
  4. Would pick up the guitar 
  5. Was a cute blogger 
  6. Had a new tail light  
Two facts about this list. 1) I don't have/do any of those things. 2) That whole list can and will be accomplished. Enough of the negativity :) "show me some positivity"!

If only, if only I ... would look at my life, I would see 

  1. I have 2 beautiful sisters that love and support me
  2. Have a passion 
  3. Have true happiness
  4. Have an amazing best friend and she is QWESOME
  5. Have a healthy body 
  6. A family that supports me
    You can't help what you don't have if you don't try so why don't you try!
          Karli Marie