*This account is told through a text message conversation I had with my sister.
Me: I just wanted to smell pretty...
Krystal: And you don't?!
Me: Like a tropical beach beauty.
Krystal: Hahaha!!! Like a coconut
Me: So i went to Bath & Body works
Krystal: And...
Me: I bought things to make my dream come true.
Me: And now now I am attach to thing I can never hav31 (have)
Krystal: Nooooo! You didn't buy it!
Me: No I did. Just to see how it would feel to have my dream in a bag.
Me: And now I just stare at it and realize that I cant afford my dream.
Krystal: Nooo! You can you can
Me: Nope I cant. I cant have the dream to smell good. It can't be done. Not today.
Krystal: Hmm lemme smell
Me: Nope. After I hold them in my arms and cry sweet tropical goodness. They are done locked in a cage. Called my dream sucker. Aka back to the store they will go.
Krystal: Nooo how much did you spend
Me: So much I have to take it back :(
Krystal: Like how much
Me: One billion dollars!
Krystal: Stop! Tell the truth
Me: $45
Krystal: Hmmm not bad
Me: False $47.50
Krystal: Hahaha
My roommate came home she looked at me sitting there on the floor with my new smell goods. I told her my sadness and then I cried.