October 24, 2012

My name is a definition


Karli Marie Rasmussen

You may not know that my name is in fact the definition of Scaredy Cat. 
If you don't believe me let me give one example. 

 For F.H.E (ya I am to lazy to say/write it)
We went to the lovely Corn Maze. I was the very nervous about attending this event.
 Because, well I don't am not always super stoked to walk around corn...is that weird?
 Also I always touch the corn and then it cuts me. 
But, I did in fact attend this event. And well we splurged and bought fancy tickets, which let us into the scary haunted corn mazes, houses and other spooky things. 

I am not a big fan of walking around and getting scared out of my wits which causes me to then PEE my pants, cry like a baby and of course scream BLOODY murder

My name is Karli and I am a scaredy cat! 

Is that so weird? I hate it, I dislike the speed my heart races at, how tight I have to hold my neighbors hand trust me it's not cute and romantic hand holding, it's I am literally going to rip off your hands if you don't get me out of here!

So because I am a scaredy cat, I did not embark on this lovely adventure. 
Oh what did I do??? I hung out with the kids,
 shot some hoops (I believe that is the phrase),
looked at the cute little shops, and pretended to be a princess. 

I am not ashamed that my name is a definition. 

p.s please don't steal my identity. 
p.s.s Don't make fun of me...that's RUDE

why you gotta be makin' fun of me

So I ride a scooter around campus, that's not lame it's awesome!

October 17, 2012

I feel like singing...

"The Church of Jesus Christ" 

I belong to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I know who I am. I know God's plan. I'll follow him in faith.
I believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ. I'll honor his name.
I'll do what is right; I'll follow his light.
His truth I will proclaim.