December 21, 2011

Silly Girl

I think I am really angry RIGHT NOW! It's either that or it is that I went running this morning and I am now running a fever, I don't know if that can make you sick... can it ??? Anyway I pretty sure I am MAD!

I think it's great when someone decides to inspire you but ...what if that suddenly stops.
And along with that support went a friendship. Well I am here to tell you that it SUCKS!

I wasn't going to post this but, It goes perfectly with taking on a dream AND  I think one day I will look back and I will be stronger. And say HAHA I proved you wrong!

I wish I could say that I am not the one in wrong but indeed, I am. I held on so much to what they had to say that when it was up to me, I crumbled and lost sight of what I really wanted. I kinda let my dream out the widow. Ah silly girl.

But, today is a new day! I have felt this anger before today but, today I have ACTED on my anger. And I let go of it, I have seen my problems and I know that someday I will forgive, and this will be something in the past but, today oh today I am MAD! Don't get me wrong I am not mad at the people or myself, I am mad at this situation and that I haven't done anything about it until right now.  I am happy that I am angry.... hahaha real! I am going to let this fuel me and my dream until it runs out and by then I will have nothing to be MAD at. Well, at least I am going to try, and I can't be mad at that.

Well what else can I say, I am going to write these feelings away.
Karli Marie

p.s. Sometimes you need different kinds of fuel for A BIG DREAM

December 12, 2011

the truth is...

I recently watched The Help, what can I say I loved it!  It was so inspirational! A quote stuck out to me
"God says we need to love our enemies.It’s hard to do, but it starts with telling the truth". –Aibileen
Now I do not currently have an enemy but, I know in my own way, I am my own worst enemy. 

So I am going to list some truths about me! 

 truth be told...
- I want to change the world

- I Want to be a youtube Sensation with my sister (HAHA)  
Everybody Talks" Neon Trees Dance

- I am afraid to achieve my dreams 

- I can't help but look at my ruby red sparkly nail polish It screams "CHRISTMAS"

- I love crying in the Shower
- I try not to expect much 
-I giggle snort giggle snort when something is funny :)

- I live my "love life"through singing Taylor Swift songs 
- I Love pulling things off last minute
- Today I just wanted to break out into song (Sparks Fly T-swift)  and Preform for everyone around me but,I thought people would think it was a flash mob.
I didn't want anyone to be disappointed.  That it was just me singing. HAHAHA!

So there are some truths about me. 

I am going to work on saying the truth, to LOVE myself and Not to be afraid of Greatness.

Truth be told... I like my blog 

Karli Marie

p.s. The Truth is...we all have something to say